Payment and delivery

When you purchase you pharmaceutical chemicals from overseas, you don’t want to have delays. Delays mean headaches. Delays mean money held up. Delays mean aggravation that you don’t need. Make payments with confidence. We guarantee every delivery.

Alpha Mega Chem guarantees every delivery

Alpha Mega Chem Online. guarantees every delivery. And when we say we guarantee delivery, we don’t just mean that it will get there eventually. We mean it will get there and it will get there quickly. There is a number of things we’ve done to ensure expeditious delivery. Like any business, ours is one where we had to spend some time and do some extra work to get it right. And that’s why we get it right.
We did this extra work so that you wouldn’t have to. You shouldn’t have to call and click around while you wonder where your shipment is. That’s why we make sure that doesn’t happen.

Every delivery gets where it is supposed to go, or we ship it again and pay all charges

Alpha Mega Chem Online is so confident that your shipment will get to you and get to you on time, that we will ship it again-free of charge-if it gets lost or is delayed for too long.

Strong Relationships with Customs Authorities

Before we opened our state-of-the-art pharmaceutical factory, Alpha Mega Chem made sure we had established strong relationships with customs and regulatory authorities. Our factory in Shenzhen opened in 2012, along with a brand new research and development facility. We didn’t do this for anything.
Alpha Mega Chem Online made sure we contacted the right people with the National Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau as well as the General Administrations of Customs of USA so that we could have everything established the way it should be.
Many times, shipments are held up in customs in many different countries simply because the company shipping the goods didn’t have the proper paperwork filled out, didn’t turn it in on time or simply. Research Chem Online made sure we did all of our homework so you could get your shipments on time.

Good Relationships with Shippers also makes a Difference

Customs officials need to know who you are sending your shipments with. They couldn’t approve shipments if they didn’t. Alpha Mega Chem Online made sure we had already established the support of the best shipping companies before we even filed our papers with customs.

Click on the link to check the status of your order


What payment methods are available?

– We are interested in the fact that you feel comfortable with us. This, for you to provide several methods of payment:

Bitcoin,  Wire transfers.  For bulk orders we accept bitcoin escrow with a trust worthy Bitcoin Third party escrow service,

For information about payment please contact us

How quickly processed my payment?

The time required to process the payment depends on your method of payment. 

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